unemployment || ITtheacher

Unemployment is a person falling within the category of the labor force (people aged 15-59 years, there are several other countries wear category 15-64 years) who were looking for work and have not got it.
According factors, divided into:
1. Frictional Unemployment / Unemployment Normal
At any time a small portion of the workforce is unemployed in a state of their own accord. They stopped on a long job and look for another job. They mean stop of the job is to look for a better job, earn higher incomes and a guaranteed sosialatau other facilities better.
2. Structural Unemployment
If this is the case of laying off workers by agencies that employ them because of several factors. Unemployment is thus called
Unemployment Strutural.
3. Unemployment Technology
Unemployment can also be caused by the replacement of human labor by machines or chemicals. For example: poison weeds and grass, have reduced the use of labor to clear fields, fields and plantations.
4. Cyclical Unemployment
Unemployment Cyclical unemployment is unemployed due to the impact of economic cycles up and down so that the demand for labor is lower than the offer of employment.

Unemployment According to its characteristics, consisting of:
1. Open unemployment
Unemployment is unemployment that really looks to be unemployed (real visits), there is no work at all.
2. Hidden Unemployment
If in an economic activity the amount of labor greatly exaggerated, so as to be in a state where the majority of its workforce was transferred to another sector but production activities are not reduced, then the activity that has been in effect a kind of unemployment called Unemployment Hidden or Unemployment There was clear ,
3. Seasonal Unemployment
Unemployment that occurs in certain times in a year. Typically unemployment as it applies to a period where farming activities are declining preoccupations. In the past, the farmers did not do any work at all, meaning they are in idle state. But unemployment is temporary, and is applicable in certain times. Therefore, called Seasonal Unemployment.
4. Underemployment
Underemployment, consisting of voluntary unemployment (voluntary unemployment) and dukalara (involuntary unemployment). Unemployment is voluntarily unemployed are unemployed for a while because he wanted to find another job better. While unemployment's sadness is pengengguran unemployed since been trying to find a job but have not managed to get a job.

Some of the things that cause unemployment, among others:
1. Residents relatively large
2. Education and skills are low
3. The labor force can not meet the requirements demanded world of work
4. The technology is increasingly modern
5. Employers are always the pursuit of profit by doing the savings.
6. Application rationalization
7. The existence of employment with the affected season
8. The instability of the economy, politics and security of a country

The harmful consequences brought about by unemployment:
1. Increased criminal action
2. Level of declining health
3. The occurrence of social and political turmoil (demonstration and power struggles)
4. The lost of confidence and decreased ability to work
5. Disputes in family
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